Christine Shen
"You are more marvelous in your simple wish to find a way
than the gilded roofs of any destination you could reach." -- David Whyte, "Santiago".
I am a fourth year Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Statistical Science at Duke University working with Surya Tokdar. My research interests are still developing. I’m broadly interested in statistical inference and Bayesian methods. I’m generally curious to learn about different perspectives to understand the world.
Outside of Statistics, a few things I’ve been enjoying doing regularly are: yoga, tennis, and wall climbing.
B.B.A. in Insurance, Financial and Actuarial Analysis with Honours (2011), The Chinese University of Hong Kong
M.S. in Statistics (2021), Duke University
Fellow of Society of Actuaries, 2014-2021
Chartered Enterprise Risk Analyst, 2015-2021
Chartered Financial Analyst, 2018-2019